Know about the Canada express entry process
Skilled workers who want to move to Canada at the earliest must choose the express entry programme. This is a point-based programme and before you apply for the programme you must have a clear idea about the Canada express entry process.
Take a look at the procedure of the Canada express entry programme:
Skilled foreigners who want to move to Canada must choose the Federal Skilled worker programme. This is based on the express entry system and to qualify for the express entry programme the candidate has to score a minimum of 67 points. Only then he can create his profile in the Express entry system.
The candidate has to first check if he is scoring at least 67 points. If he is scoring 67 points or more then he is eligible for the express entry system.
The eligible candidate has to create the express entry profile online.
This profile will be given points based on different aspects. These factors are the age of the candidate, his education, his work experience, English and/or French language skills etc.
The aim of the candidate has to be to score as many points as possible. So, he must try to improve his language test score, education etc.
Based on the number of points the profile of the candidate will be given a ranking. The profile with higher points will have a higher ranking.
The profiles with higher ranking have a better chance of getting selected in the express entry draw which is held at regular intervals.
The candidates who are selected in the express entry draw will be sent an invitation to apply.
Once the candidate gets the invitation to apply then he has to submit his PR visa application form along with all the documents at the earliest.
The candidate can score additional points in the express entry system by applying for provincial nomination or by having proficiency in both English and French language or if he has a sibling who is a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.
The express entry candidate can apply for the provincial nominee programme of the province where he plans to settle down. If the province finds that the candidate is suitable for their labour market needs and can help in the economic development of the province then they will give the provincial nomination to the candidate. Once the candidate gets the provincial nomination then he gets additional 600 points and then his selection in the express entry draw is almost ascertained.

Always better to get help from professional visa and immigration experts:
As you can see that the overall Canada express entry process is long and complicated and therefore it is better to take help from professionals who have experience in this field. One needs to approach a visa and immigration consultant who has proven expertise in Canadian immigration and who has a proven track record.
IRA immigration is one such company which is known for providing the best service to aspirants who want to move abroad. This company have a successful track record and they have a dedicated team of visa experts who have years of experience in Canada immigration and they have in-depth knowledge about Canada express entry system.
Here is how IRA immigration will assist with the Canada express entry programme:
The experts in IRA immigration will check the profile of the aspirant and the reason for which he wants to move to Canada.
They check if the applicant has the required skills to move and settle down in Canada and if he can support himself and his family when he moves to Canada.
The experts check in which visa category the applicant can apply for the Canada PR visa and they tell the applicant about the documents that have to be submitted.
In the case of skilled workers who want to move to Canada, IRA immigration will check if the candidate can apply for the express entry programme. If the candidate is eligible for the express entry programme, then the experts of IRA immigration will tell him what is the procedure for the express entry programme and they will also help him complete the procedure.
If the skilled worker is not eligible for the express entry process then IRA immigration will explore the option of a provincial nomination programme.
In case the applicant is not eligible currently to apply for the Canada PR visa then the immigration experts of IRA immigration tell the applicant about what he needs to do to improve his chances of becoming eligible for the Canada PR visa.
If you are keen to move to Canada and if you are a skilled worker then you have to check with IRA immigration about the Canada express entry process. The experts of IRA immigration will provide all the assistance that the skilled worker needs to apply for the Canada PR.