What Is The Minimum CRS Score For Canada PR?

What Is The Minimum CRS Score For Canada PR?

Canada is indeed one of the favorite countries for Indians to settle in. The country offers a great infrastructure, quality of life, exceptional education, Universal Healthcare safety, and much more. Another reason people move to Canada is the process of getting citizenship is easier and quicker than any other American country. When we talk about moving to Canada, a Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) is an important factor. A candidate should get a competent CRS score for Canada PR. At Ira Immigration, we have years of experience dealing in Canada Express Entry System and we are here to help every individual who has a dream to settle in Canada. In this blog, we are going to take you through the details of a good CRS score for Canada PR. Let us first clear what CRS is!

What is CRS?

As mentioned CRS stands for Comprehensive Ranking System. It is a point system which is an important factor in ranking the applicants who are seeking PR through Canada Express Entry. Obtaining a minimum CRS score for Canada PR is a must, must when it comes to immigration in Canada

Canada Express Entry is the most popular and quicker way for immigrants to become Permanent Residence (PR) in Canada. As we have been dealing with immigration and visa solutions for years, our experts state that millions of skilled and experienced individuals submit applications for Canada PR every year. However, not everyone gets selected or gets a PR. CRS is indeed one of the deciding factors in the ranking of candidates in the pool. If a candidate scores a good CRS score for Canada PR, then their chances of getting an ITA, i.e. Invitation To Apply is much higher. So now, let us take you through the procedure of calculation of CRS points.

How are the CRS Points Calculated?

Let us first be clear that the highest number of CRS that an applicant can get is 1200. These points are rewarded based on the candidate's skills, education qualification, working experience, adaptability, and more.


CRS Point= Core/human capital factors + spouse factor + skill transferability factors + additional points


It is time to discuss every single factor that can help you get a minimum CRS for Canada PR.

Core/Human Capital Factors- If you are someone who is looking to migrate individually, then you can get up to 500 points that can help make a good CRS score for Canada PR. However, if you are immigrating with your spouse, then the maximum points that you can get from human capital factors is 460.


Have a look at the following written factors that are necessary when we talk about minimum CRS for Canada PR.

  • Age – up to 100 points
  • Education – up to 140 points
  • Official Language Proficiency – up to 128 points
  • Second Language Proficiency – up to 22 points
  • Work Experience in Canada – up to 70 points


If you choose to migrate with your Spouse or we can say common-law partner, then you can get an extra 40 points. The points can be divided as-

  • Education of the Spouse – up to 10 points
  • Language Proficiency of the Spouse – 20 points
  • Canadian Work Experience of the Spouse – 10 points


Skill Transferability Factors

Another factor that helps in getting optimal CRS score for Canada PR depends on your suitability, which includes your skills and qualifications. You can get 100 points which can add to the good CRS code for Canada PR.

  • Language Skills + Post-Secondary Education – up to 50 points
  • Canadian Work Experience + Post-Secondary Education – up to 50 points


Some Additional Points

To get a good CRS score for Canada PR, there are several other ways to earn extra points. Nevertheless, remember that candidates are limited to 600 points when it comes to additional points. These are:

  • A Sibling Living in Canada – 15 points
  • French Language Skill – 50 points
  • Post-Secondary Education – 30 points
  • Arranged Employment in Canada – 200 points
  • Provincial Nomination – 600 points

What about the CRS score in 2024?

As we can say, the applications for the Express Entry System are going to be in huge numbers, and with the introduction of category-based rounds of invitation, it can be concluded that the possible CRS cut-off could come below 470 in 2024 for specific draws.

Many people get confused when they are not able to get a minimum CRS score for Canada PR, we have some tips for you!

Tips For Improving Your CRS Score

  1. Try to get a job offer in Canada that can potentially add 50 to 200 points, making it a good CRS score for Canada PR for you.
  2. Apply for the Provincial Nominee Program, which can offer you a path to PR based on your specific skills and work experience.
  3. Further, a candidate can also use the study permit that helps them get Canadian work experience.
  4. Another tip is to get proficient in the French language, which can add up to 50 additional points to your CRS score.

Let's Get Into A Detailed Conversation!

Our experts at Ira Immigration are well-versed in all the essential factors of a Good CRS score for Canada PR. We have years of experience dealing in countries such as Canada and have fulfilled the dreams of many individuals to get settled in Canada. If you are concerned about your CRS score, then let us know your exact queries, our immigration and visa professionals can assist you well. We can evaluate your background and find ways to help you increase your CRS score for Canada PR. So what are you waiting for? Reach out to us or visit our office in Delhi.

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