Want to immigrate to Canada? Is Canada your country of dreams? Do you want to enjoy the cold country and make a lot of money? Well, it is important to know that you need to rank yourself in the comprehensive ranking system, and only then can you get a permanent residency invite.
When you rank yourself in the permanent residency program, you will get a score. You will be ranked based on that score with other people who are on the list.
If you have a score of 450 points, you have a good chance of getting an invite. You can look for
provincial nominee program state sponsorships, which come under this category.
Chances of PR with 450 score
- If your score is above 450, you can wait for a couple of months until the score comes down and you will get a direct invitation to apply.
- If your score is less than 400, the provincial nominee program is your best option. You can also go for the CRS option if you have a Masters’s program in hand.
- If your score is between 404 and 450, you should consider provincial nominee program options.
How to find out your PR points?
You need to follow a very good
CRS calculator, which will help you in finding out about your points. People receive points based on their work experience, education, and relatives living in the area, their age, provincial nomination, and their language ability. You need to know how much score you can get including your highest and lowest possible score. If you want to know, whether your score is good enough for provincial nomination or not, you need to check it out.
CRS Calculator is a tool, which is given out by the government of Canada, which helps immigrants in calculating their score. The score is generated based on your experience and all the points, which are mentioned above.
How does the calculator work?
You need to answer a couple of questions, which are given on the website, and then you submit your questionnaire. You will get your score and break it down based on which the score is given out.
Are there any prerequisites for this tool?
No, there are no prerequisites for this tool. Your answers can also be hypothetical to just understand your situation for immigrating to the country.
Do you need to upload any kind of documents?
No, calculating your CRS score is very easy and you do not need to give out any kind of documents. This information does not even get recorded on the website. It is a free tool, which you can use just to understand your situation. The government does not record any kind of details. You can use this tool as many times as you want.
Your CRS score and IRA IRA is your one-stop solution for all kinds of immigration needs. We will tell you what affects your immigration scores the most and your CRS score the most. We will prepare you for the best scores so that you get the invitation to apply as soon as possible.