Benefits of Canada Permanent Resident Visa from India

Benefits of Canada Permanent Resident Visa from India

Canada is one of the most preferred abroad destinations among Indians when it comes to settle abroad. The country is undoubtedly among the best countries to travel and settle down due to many reasons. Canada is a large country by area and by economy as well which provides great scope and opportunities for jobs and settlements in the place. The country is well-developed, clean and provides a better lifestyle to its inhabitants. The Permanent Resident Visa is not the same as Citizenship but it is also not the temporary one and considerably provides more benefit to its holder.

Benefits of Canada Permanent Resident Visa from India

  • Right for Canada Permanent Residency– A Canadian PR holder can apply and get the status of permanent resident of Canada which he can use to live, work or study anywhere in Canada and enjoy other benefits given to the citizens of Canada.
  • Canadian Citizenship– After a certain period a Canadian PR holder can apply Canadian Citizenship.
  • No tax on income outside Canada – Canadian PR holder does not have to pay taxes for his income outside the country.
  • Education and Healthcare– the Canadian permanent residents can enroll their children in free schools and education centers offered by the federal government. They can also avail state health care services for them and immediate family members.
  • Protection under Canadian Law– Canadian PR holders are protected under Canadian Law and Canadian Charter of Law and Freedom.
  • Several Social Security and Services– There are several benefits regarding social causes available to Canadian PR holders like Basic pension, Worker’s compensation, Unemployment insurance, free courses for job searching candidates and much more.
  • Sponsor Eligible Family Members – A Canadian Permanent Resident can sponsor his family member to come to Canada and become a permanent member.

How to Apply for Canada Permanent Resident Visa?

The latest Express Entry System is one of the best ways for immigrants to immigrate to Canada. It takes a few language and Assessment Tests and checks your profile thoroughly before processing your applications. This method is for the skilled Immigrants program. You can also apply under the following programs-

IRA Immigration

There are many Immigration companies, which help you with your Canada PR Visa process and takes in charge for your entire process. IRA Immigration on the other hand helps you interpret your Visa process and explains you every detail to get you a better understanding of the process. Thus, dealing with IRA Immigration makes your Canada PR Visa process a lot simpler and understandable.

Free Immigration Assessment

Find out your options for visa by completing a free online assessment.